This document contains the necessary information to integrate with the GoWit RMA platform.

Content type & payload

The data payload is in JSON format. The Content-Type for these endpoints is application/json, which should be passed as a header in your requests as follows:

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \


To authenticate with the Gowit RMA API, the API Key must be passed as a header with the name auth.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'

All API requests must use SSL to protect your key.


Your API Key is the same as a username/password so be sure to treat it the same way!


In preparation for release to production, you should ensure all of the below items are complete.

Advertiser IntegrationSynchronizing advertiser information with the Gowit RMA system.Advertiser API
Product IntegrationSyncing your products with the Gowit RMA system daily.Product API
Ad ServingEnsure you are requesting ads from Gowit RMA for every single page load.Ad Serving
Event ReportingEnsure you are reporting impressions and clicks to Gowit RMA correctly each time an ad is viewed or clicked on.Event API
Reporting SalesEnsure you are reporting sales to Gowit RMA correctly for each order submitted. Ensure ads are attributed correctly.Event API