This document contains the necessary information to integrate with the GoWit RMA platform.
Content type & payload
The data payload is in JSON format. The Content-Type for these endpoints is application/json, which should be passed as a header in your requests as follows:
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
To authenticate with the Gowit RMA API, the API Key must be passed as a header with the name auth.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'
All API requests must use SSL to protect your key.
Your API Key is the same as a username/password so be sure to treat it the same way!
In preparation for release to production, you should ensure all of the below items are complete.
Task | Description | Doc |
Advertiser Integration | Synchronizing advertiser information with the Gowit RMA system. | Advertiser API |
Product Integration | Syncing your products with the Gowit RMA system daily. | Product API |
Ad Serving | Ensure you are requesting ads from Gowit RMA for every single page load. | Ad Serving |
Event Reporting | Ensure you are reporting impressions and clicks to Gowit RMA correctly each time an ad is viewed or clicked on. | Event API |
Reporting Sales | Ensure you are reporting sales to Gowit RMA correctly for each order submitted. Ensure ads are attributed correctly. | Event API |