Create Campaign

As an admin, you can create campaigns to help your advertiser perform better on their behalf.


After selecting advertiser follow these steps to create a Sponsored Products campaign.

Step 1: Campaign Information

Name and date

Give your campaign a name and determine the duration of it.


Campaign Date Options

The suggested option is "Keep Going" in which the campaign will start today and continue until the seller stops it.

Or set start-end date, a certain date range in which the campaign will be published.



Choose the budget type of the campaign and determine the budget. Once seller's spend reaches the budget, the campaign will stop. Seller may set daily or total budget.



There are three options in the bidding section; default or advanced for the dynamic bid and the fixed one.


Dynamic vs. Fixed Bid

The system will automatically set bids with dynamic bidding to improve efficiency. Or, using the fixed bid option, the seller can choose the cost per click manually.

a.In the default bid option, the seller lets the system set the bid.

b. In the advanced bid option, the seller determines only a maximum ACoS value and the platform algorithm starts to optimize the bids so that they remain below this value.

c. Fixed bid option is more suitable for power users. With this option, seller can set a different bid for each keyword they target.


Product Selection

Select the products you want to advertise. Seller can easily add products from their inventory by filtering and clicking the add button in the product list.


Step 2: Keyword Information

Keyword Targeting

Determine in which words your ad to be displayed selecting auto targeting or manual targeting.


Keyword Targeting Options

For the auto targeting, the platform algorithm shows products in the most appropriate searches and relevant category pages. This option provides great convenience for sellers with little advertising experience.

The manual targeting option is especially suitable for sellers with experience in keyword advertising. The seller can manually identify the keywords they want to target or add the words they want from the suggested keywords table.

Seller can also view the suggested bid calculated by the platform with the bids given by other sellers for each keyword. They can view the search volume of the keyword specific to the platform and the degree of competition too.

There are 3 types of matches for keywords which are exact, phrase and broad match options.


Negative Keywords

Add the keywords that you do not want your ad to be displayed.


Benefits of Using Negative Keywords

Negative keywords can help to improve CTR which ensures that ads only run against relevant queries.

Ad Placement

Determine in which areas you want your ad to be displayed. Your ads can be displayed in relevant search results or category pages.

The options in this area are open to diversification according to the inventories owned.Β Currently, sellers can make their ads displayed in search results or category pages.


Step 3: Audience Information

Audience Selection

Determine which audiences you want your ad to be displayed with auto or manual targeting options. For the manual targeting option, determine the platform, age range, city, customer and gender targeting you want your ad to be displayed.


Automatic vs. Manual Targeting

For the automatic targeting, ads continue to be displayed for the most appropriate audiences in the most relevant keywords and categories.

More experienced sellers who want to show their ads to certain audiences use the manual targeting option and customize the audiences their products will be displayed for.

In this step, sellers can set demographic targeting and choose the certain age group, gender, city or pick the platform targeting such as mobile or desktop.


At the same time, special campaigns can be created to strengthen communication with existing customers or to acquire new customers with the customer targeting option.


Customer Targeting Options

Existing customers are those who have ordered from the seller before.

New customers are the ones who have never ordered from the products that have been advertised from the seller before.

These customer groups are built by the purchasing data of the marketplace and the data collected by the platform itself.


After completing these steps, the creation of campaign is all ready.